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Resize for Submission

開発ツール 仕事効率化 仕事効率化
開発者 daisuke ito
3.99 USD

It does not take longer time and effort!
The size of the for submission to the iOSApp is an app that can be generated at a time.
1: Prepare the image 5.5 inches. * 1
2: Press the [GO] button.
3: The folder is created on the Pictures, and files are generated in it. * 2

* 1: (1242 x 2208) pixels or (1242 x 2208) pixels
* 2: iPhone4.7 inches, 4 inches and 3.5 inches will be created.

Installed in the Dock:
drag & drop directly from the "Pictures" to the Dock.